People fighting to save Dadu, Mehar, Juhi from flooding

Manchhar Lake, Dadu flooding, Mehar JuhiManchhar Lake, Dadu flooding, Mehar Juhi

DADU: Local people are fighting to save Mehar, Juhi and Dadu from ravaging floodwater as water surging at MNV Drain posing threat to these cities, ARY News reported on Monday.

A breach administered at Bagh-e-Yousuf point in Manchhar Lake on Sunday to release the pressure of water and avoid drowning of Dadu and shrine city of Sehwan, failed to give the result expected by the irrigation authorities.

The officials are mulling over two more cuts in the lake to release pressure of water and save major urban centres in the area from drowning.

Floodwater still exerting pressure at ring dykes of Mehar and Dadu towns. A senior civil judge Roshan Ali along with his sons also involved in local volunteers’ effort to protect the city from ravaging floodwater.

The water level in Manchhar Lake has surged to 125 RL with more pressure of the water on embankments of the lake.

Irrigation officials said that the cut at Bagh-e-Yousuf failed to release pressure of water and said that two more breaches can be administered at RD 55 and RD 80 to release the pressure.

The water from the lake released after yesterday’s breach has reported to reach Bubak and Channa union councils and submerged several villages.

Manchhar Lake water exerting pressure at Sehwan embankment, irrigation officials said. The water has overtopped Bubak Bund, while the gate at Danister channel has also weakened.

Hundreds of villages in the area under the threat of flooding including the Indus Highway and Shehbaz Airport.

People from the areas under flood threat evacuating themselves by boats, while the boat owners have increased fares to mint money from the misery of the people.

Hundreds of people have taken refuge at elevated embankments and roadsides without any help from the officials.

A flood victim while commenting on the flood situation alleged that the chief minister who also belongs to this region wants to drown Dadu to save his agriculture lands.

“The cut was not administered at the natural route of the water but at the side, which failed to relieve the pressure of water,” he alleged.

The dead bodies of two women were also retrieved from water during evacuation from katcha area. The women were drowned flooding water.

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