Photographer captures stunning image of frog ‘wrestling’ with croc

Animals never cease to surprise us with their amazing sense of humour. A photographer in Indonesia has captured an incredible image of a frog getting too close as it hangs around very close to its razor sharp teeth.

Some described it as looking at a monster frog attacking a crocodile or a tiny crocodile being attacked by a normal-sized frog.

The picture was captured by Edy Pamungkas, 27, in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. He posted the pictures onto his blog captioning it ‘Best Friends’.


Recently stunning pictures went viral on the social media capturing the moment a family of frogs ride on the back of a crocodile. The images snapped the incredible moment showing a group of five white tree frogs decided to take a perch on the back of the fearsome reptile.

After clambering up one by one onto the croc’s scaly skin, the preening amphibians even turn and pose for the delighted cameraman.




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