‘Chup Raho’ the ARY Digital drama which brought the issue of domestic sexual abuse forward has turned into a psychological thriller. The victim of domestic sexual abuse (Rameen) has been accused of being schizophrenic by her mother, who knew the truth but had to lie with fears for the future of her elder daughter.
The reason is simple, the lead character Rameen (played by Sajal Ali) who is the terrified young victim is abused by her own brother-in-law, Numair (played by Jibran Syed).
Unfortunately, the mother before revealing the truth bout Rameen dies in the recent episode.
The big question is who will believe Rameen ???.
To keep Rameen close, Numair has also offered her young husband ( played by Feroz Khan) a good job at his office, shelter at his home and a car.
Muhammad Anees Hanif is a Multimedia journalist who serves as Chief Editor for ARY News' Urdu and English websites. He tweets @anees_avis