Earlier it was reported that versatile singer Arijit Singh has issued an apology to Salman Khan on social media. Salman did read the apology on Facebook but still could not sympathize with him. The incident took place more than three years ago when Arijit showed insult during an award show.
However, the actor is in no mood to forgive him and has now removed his song from upcoming film Sultan. Salman Khan and the makers of the film have decided to remove his song ‘Jag Ghumiya’ from the final version of the film.
Now there are reports that they have approached our very own Rahat Fateh Ali Khan as a replacement for Arijit. Rahat has not yet confirmed for it but we hope that he will lend his voice for it. ‘Jag Ghumiya’ is considered an emotional song and the film makers are looking for someone with a soulful melodious voice.
The actor may forgive him later but its clear that there is no place for Arjit in Sultan. A source told a Bollwyood magazine: “Whether Arijit plans to visit Salman’s house for forgiveness or tries to convince him through social media, the decision is not going to change as everyone’s clear that there’s no place for Arijit in Sultan.”
Rahat had impressed in Salman Khan previous film such as Dabang and now though we do feel sorry for Arijit, all of us are really looking forward to hear Rahat again in a Salman flick.
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