Earlier Friday morning, Sachin Tendulkar, who used to be known to the world as the ‘Little Master’ for his batting prowess, tweeted that British Airways had tagged his luggage to the wrong destination. Not only that, he claimed that they had yet not confirmed his family member’s ticket despite there being seats available on the plane as well.
What followed was hilarious, since British Airways replied to Sachin’s tweet fifteen minutes later and requested him to DM them, along with other details, his full name! The fact that British Airways did not know arguably India’s most famous sporting personality, enraged and infuriated most of his followers on Twitter. Here are the tweets:-
Angry Disappointed and Frustrated.. #BAdserviceBA Family member’s Waitlisted ticket not confirmed despite seats being available (1/2)
— sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) November 13, 2015
And luggage being tagged by @British_Airways to wrong destination and don’t care attitude! #NeveronBA (2/2) — sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) November 13, 2015
As expected, Sachin fans were quick to react, some were furious while others made light of the situation. Here are a couple of tweets related to the incident:-
@British_Airways God will punish you.
— Akshay (@AkshayShindee) November 13, 2015
How dare @british_airways not know Sachin’s full name!?! https://t.co/cKm6h3MsC0
— Nive (@Nivivacious) November 13, 2015
@British_Airways be very careful before messing with sachin , can turn out to be a doom for your airline company
— Anay Singh (@AnaySingh7) November 13, 2015
@hashkeys @British_Airways lol waiting for Indian media and tumblr posts now
— Nive (@Nivivacious) November 13, 2015
Maria Sharapova handling @British_Airways ? https://t.co/2mZbypfKqd
— SILLY POINT (@Sarcaism) November 13, 2015
Boy @British_Airways you have 0.7 Million Followers, @sachin_rt have 8.4 Million followers. You still want to know his name, address? Funny
— Pranjal R Nigam (@pranjalnigam) November 13, 2015
@british_airways @sachin_rt PM Modi Faces tough task against Britain!! Will he able to bring Kohinoor diamond nd Sachin’s Luggage #ModiInUK
— Bharath (@Official_Ba10) November 13, 2015
@British_Airways @smadygo @sachin_rt Which useless Soccer player is managing Customer Service at British Airways????
— Rahul Patil (@AquarianTruths) November 13, 2015
Hey @British_Airways, you have 772K followers. @sachin_rt has 8.4 million. Does that tell u something about him? Fall at his feet, will ya?
— Rajesh of Everything (@RajeshBlue) November 13, 2015
@British_Airways His full name is @sachin_rt Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. The first overseas player to play for Yorkshire. Ring a bell?
— SK Anand (@di_an) November 13, 2015
Hey @British_Airways – Are you Maria Sharapova by any chance? https://t.co/yHSUXc6fBa
— Pradeep Shetty (@pradeep_shetty) November 13, 2015
What is the big deal if @British_Airways asked @sachin_rt his full name in response to his angry tweet? It’s routine! Sachin’s fans r morons
— Navin Bajaj (@NavinBajaj) November 13, 2015
.@British_Airways could you lose Kambli’s baggage? He’s been holding on to it for quite a while.
— thewisecrab (@thewisecrab) November 13, 2015
@British_Airways @sachin_rt it looks like BA has upset millions of Indians. Maybe you shouldn’t use robots in your social center #PaxEx
— Glen Towler (@NZAircraftFan) November 13, 2015
@British_Airways even @aliaa08 knows who Sachin Tendulkar is and you’ll don’t ?!
— Rhys Mascarenhas (@rizuboy) November 13, 2015
Hi @British_Airways He’s the 1 who made u trend in twitter for the 1st time.that too in no1 position.British Airways pic.twitter.com/5i4tD6Bee4
— Deepak (@deepuzoomout) November 13, 2015
.Maria Sharapova: Who is Sachin Tendulkar? @British_Airways We will let you know as soon as @sachin_rt DM his details to us.
— Anant Jain (@AnantGJ) November 13, 2015
@sachin_rt This might help you @British_Airways pic.twitter.com/PWOTfz3Pbn
— Asif Vadsariya (@AsifWadsariya) November 13, 2015
I thought @British_Airways uses a good database but it seems they don’t even seem to have google working. We can lend you our Internet!!
— Rijubrata Mukherjee (@akakavin) November 13, 2015
To state the obvious, the majority of the Indian Twitterati seem furious with British Airways for not knowing the ‘Little Master’s’ name!
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