The actor takes some online portals to exception for over-judging her daughter’s bikini pictures that went viral recently. “She was with her little brother AbRam and few online portals seemed to put undue attention on that.”
He added: “I have asked some publications to remove the picture as Suhana is just 16 years old and seeing such news about her daughter is awkward.”
Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana has attracted lots of eyes owing to her recent picture on Instagram, which went viral.
Shah Rukh Khan’s kids are probably the most famous celebrity children in India. The Raees star has three in total, eldest Aryan, then his daughter Suhana and the cute AbRam.
While Aryan has amassed quite the fan following on social media owing to his stud-like pictures, it seems like Suhana just might outdo her elder brother. Her recent Instagram picture wearing a bikini on a beach was doing the rounds on the internet.
Read more: Another picture of Shahrukh Khan’s daughter surfaces on social media
In the picture, Suhana can be seen in the ‘peek-a-boo’ pose with her younger brother AbRam Khan. Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter was clicked wearing a bikini, which is probably why the picture went viral.
Earlier there were speculations that Suhana might be following in her father’s footsteps and make an entry into the Indian film industry. Shah Rukh had himself stated that his daughter wanted to become an actress, in a previous interview.
“My daughter wants to learn acting, but I don’t know which institute in India I should send her to. We don’t have any good acting school. One of my dream projects is to be able to create an institute where youngsters can come and learn professional acting, techniques of acting, different styles of acting,” said the Dilwale star.
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