SHC wants mechanism for monitoring of restaurants

Sheesha smoking, banned, PakistanSheesha smoking, banned, Pakistan

KARACHI: The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Monday directed the Sindh government to devise a mechanism to check the use of sheesha and other illegal activities at restaurants.

A two-judge bench, headed by Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, was hearing a petition against the use of sheesha (hookah) and other illegal activities at a restaurant located on Super Highway.

“Why don’t police monitor these restaurants?” Justice Mazhar asked the Sindh government’s focal person.

Also Read: Supreme Court seeks govt report on import of sheesha ingredients

The focal person asked the court for some time to submit a report in this regard, which the SHC bench granted and directed the SHO Site Super Highway to personally visit a restaurant, where the petitioner complained sheesha is being used, and submit a report.

At a previous hearing, the court had rejected the police’s report on the use of sheesha at the restaurant.

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