Sindh govt paid internship program 2022: Here’s how to apply

Sindh govt paid internship program 2022: Here's how to applySindh govt paid internship program 2022: Here's how to apply

KARACHI: The Sindh government has announced to recruit 1200 interns as college teachers in several government colleges of the province under the Sindh teaching internship program (STIP) 2022.

An internship allowance amounting to Rs60,000 per month will be provided to the interns subject to satisfactory performance.

The interns would neither be regularised nor appointed on a contractual basis. The hiring period would be till the joining of a regular subject specialist.


Of 1,200 internees, 240 would teach physics, 240 chemistry, 120 mathematics, 120 botany and zoology, 240 English, 60 Pakistan Studies, and 60 Islamiat, Sindhi and Urdu.

Sindh Teaching Internship Program  2022

Eligibility Criteria

Education: Post-graduate at least 2nd division/equivalent from any HEC recognized university.


Allowance Per Month an amount of Rs. 60000/- (Sixty Thousand) per month.

Age Limit

Maximum 43-Years

How to apply

Applications along with supporting documents i.e. attested copies of CNIC, domicile/PRC (D), qualification/academic certificate, marksheets and experience (if any) should be submitted to District Education Officer (ES&HS)/Chairman DSCI, of the concerned district within the next 15 days.

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