According to ARY News, PML-N in its reply filed in the apex court over sit-ins in Islamabad, termed the sit-ins organized by Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), a violation of the Article IV and V of the constitution.
The reply further said that the leaders of the two parties are misusing the freedom of expression, which also brings some constitutional restraints. The party said that the freedom of movement of the citizens could not be curbed due to these sit-ins in Islamabad.
The ruling party also said that the only way to complain against election rigging has been to file a petition against it. The PTI had filed several petitions after the elections and there was no justification of these sit-ins, PML-N said.
The ruling party also claimed that the two parties have joined hands with malicious intentions.
The Azadi (independence) and Inqilab (revolution) marches have harmed the law and order and inflicted over 1000 billion rupees losses to the national economy, the party claimed.
Several heads of states of Pakistan’s friendly countries have cancelled their visits of Islamabad due to these protests.
The reply added that Article-183 gives protection to all citizens of Pakistan and not a few selected people.
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