In an unfortunate incident, a woman and her teenage son were allegedly stabbed by four boys after the latter was asked to stop making noise in a Delhi neighbourhood.
According to details, the incident occurred in the Punjabi Bagh neighborhood of west Delhi, where a 19-year-old boy Moin and his mother, who is in the late 40s, were stabbed allegedly by four boys.
The injured were shifted to a local hospital for medical treatment, where they were said to be in a stable condition.
Narrating the entire episode before the police, Moin said that four boys, all residents of his locality in the DDU camp area of Punjabi Bagh, were making noise. “When my parents tried to stop them, they started fighting and one of the boys stabbed my mother in the chest,” he said.
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A senior cop in the area seconded his statement saying that the son sustained a thigh injury after being attacked with a knife while his mother had a wound in the chest.
A case has been registered. The accused are below 18 years of age and have gone absconding, the police officer added.
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