Bollywood actor Salman Khan, a couple of days earlier, had urged his numerous followers on Twitter to follow Hollywood’s Rambo, Sylvester Stallone via a tweet. Stallone took no time in reciprocating the gesture and thanked Dabangg Khan for the kind gesture. Not only that, Sylvester voiced his desire to work with Salman in an action film!
In a series of tweets, the Rocky star addressed Salman and also stated that he was impressed at the massive fan following of the Bollywood star. Here are the series of tweets by Stallone:-
It is pertinent to mention the fact that Stallone has previously starred in a 2009 Bollywood film titled Kambakht Ishq. The Indian film had starred Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor and Amrita Arora in the film as well.
Stallone was one of the most prolific Hollywood superstars from the 80s and 90s, having set a benchmark for action films worldwide. His action films Rocky
, Rambo and The Expendables spawned various sequels which featured ensemble cast members alongside Sylvester. Along with Arnold Shwarzenegger, he was the most reputable action film hero in Hollywood in the 80s and 90s.Salman Khan is arguably the most sought after action film hero of Bollywood. Khan’s Dabangg was a resounding success and grossed astronomical numbers at the box office. Salman, if you’re listening, this might be the perfect opportunity to star in a Hollywood flick! An action film alongside an ensemble Hollywood cast and that too, an action film, can propel Salman Khan towards overnight Hollywood fame as well!
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