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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tag: apollo

The machine that made the Moon missions possible

Here are some of the ways the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), millions of times less powerful than a 2019 smartphone, shaped the world we live in today

Videotape of Neil Armstrong’s first steps on moon to be auctioned

One of the tapes captures the images of the first steps on the moon by astronaut Neil Armstrong, along with his famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

In a first, a plane soars to the edge of space with a passenger

A Virgin Galactic rocket plane on Friday soared to the edge of space with a test passenger for the first time

Neil Armstrong’s moon bag sells for $1.8 million at auction

NEW YORK: A bag used by U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong to bring the first samples of moon dust back to Earth was sold to...

Study finds cosmic rays increased heart risks among Apollo astronauts

CAPE CANAVERAL, FLA: Apollo astronauts who ventured to the moon are at five times greater risk of dying from heart disease than shuttle astronauts, US researchers said on Thursday, citing the dangers of cosmic radiation beyond the Earth's magnetic field.

Apollo astronauts have greater heart risk: study

PARIS: NASA's Apollo astronauts, the only humans to have travelled beyond Earth's protective magnetosphere, die disproportionately of heart and blood vessel diseases, researchers said Thursday, blaming radiation.

Top Indian hospital duped in kidney sale racket

NEW DELHI: One of India's top hospitals unwittingly removed the kidneys of organ-trafficking victims believing they were donating them to relatives, a hospital spokesman said Saturday, after police arrested five over the racket.