MUMBAI: Popular Indian comedian Kapil Sharma, who also hosts the TV programme 'The Kapil Sharma Show', took to Twitter on Friday to vent his anger after being asked by local municipal officer to pay bribe.
KARACHI: Chief Minister of Sindh Murad Ali Shah on Saturday visited several areas of Karachi following heavy rains in the metropolis, ARY News reported.
KARACHI: Officials have poisoned hundreds of dogs in the city in the latest effort to curb a population of strays that attack thousands of people each year in the teeming mega-city of some 20 million.
KARACHI: Sindh's Information and Local Bodies Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon toured different parts of Karachi to survey the ravages of rainfall in the city, ARY News reports.
KARACHI: Cyclone ‘Nanauk’, originated in Arabian Sea, is now heading towards Oman, but civic and municipal authorities have been alerted to cope with any...