This optical illusion involving zebras, lion, bird will reveal your personality

optical illusion, zebras, lion, bird,optical illusion, zebras, lion, bird,

An optical illusion involving zebras, a lion and a bird has gone viral on social media claiming that the first animal netizens will see will define their personality.


Analysis by experts indicates that puzzlers who saw the zebras in this optical illusion are charismatic, influential people who have a sense of humour and hate boredom.

You are a people person and tend to get insecure when alone. People are drawn to your impeccable communication skills and your outward personality.


“You are full of pride and you are aware of your ego,” the journal writes. “Your strong will and determination make you different from others. Even if you are the odd one out, you don’t care,” it goes on to explain.


The lion represents a strong, solitary leader and those who saw it first tend to be dominant and are not afraid to take the wheel. However, in your attempt to prove your mettle, you lose sight of the big picture which involves a team in any project that you undertake.

Lion and zebras

People who noticed the lion as well as the zebras at first glance in this personality test are ideal leaders who know how to strike a balance between dominance and humility and can juggle both self-actualisation and relationships with others.

Only 5 per cent of people reported seeing both the lion and the zebras.

A bird sitting on a zebra

Perfectionist individuals with an eye for detail saw the bird perched on the nape of the zebra in the centre, just under the lion’s right eye.

“You like things to be in order and believe that nothing you do is worthwhile unless it is perfect,” experts predict. This all-or-nothing approach to life is nothing short of admirable but can get overwhelming sometimes.

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