Three-day weekend can ‘boost productivity’: experts

Some people moan about long working days, and rightly so, but there is another segment of officer-goers who want shorter working days to become more shorter, and scientists have come up to endorse their notion.  

Experts say that weekends should be three days long, not two.

According to K. Anders Ericsson, an expert in the psychology of work, only four or five hours of your working day are actually productive.

Yes, he knows about that hour you spend scrolling Twitter after lunch.

If you’re pushing people well beyond the time they can really concentrate maximally, you’re very likely to get them to acquire some bad habits.

What’s worse, those bad habits could end up spilling into the time people are normally productive.

Therefore, scientists suggest that a four-day week would significantly improve conditions.

In 2008, during the financial crisis, the then-governor of Utah, Jon Hunstman, designed a plan to switch to a four-day week, but with 10 hours per day.


Nearly 75 per cent of state employers tried this setup, which resulted in reduced costs to heat and power offices, as well as higher morale as employees could avoid the rush hour commute, reported the Independent.

CEO Ryan Carson also implemented a 32-hour week in 2006, and reports that his workforce is significantly happier and more productive, with a good annual revenue.

These results were echoed by Reusser Design, a web development company that switched to a four-day week in 2013.

One school tried it in Colorado, for fourth and fifth graders. Their maths and reading results went up by 6 and 12 per cent accordingly.


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