US asks Pakistan to implement IMF reforms

IMF, Pakistan interest rate, Increase, PakistanIMF, Pakistan interest rate, Increase, Pakistan

WASHINGTON: The United States (US) has asked Pakistan to implement reforms agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to move forward۔

The staff-level agreement was supposed to be signed on February 9 but had been delayed after then over IMF’s demands.

“The reform(s) that Pakistan and the IMF agreed to are not easy, but it’s crucial that Pakistan take these actions to bring the country back to sound financial footing, avoid falling into further debt and grow Pakistan’s economy,” State Department official in charge of Pakistan said Elizabeth Horst while addressing the US think tank.

The ceremony was also attended by Pakistani Ambassador Masood Khan was also present at the Wilson Center۔

Elizabeth said that the US has offered technical assistance to get Pakistan out of the economic crisis۔

Read more: IMF appreciates friendly nations for aiding Pakistan in unlocking loan

The United States State Department official further with these reforms, Pakistan could be brought back on a strong financial basis, the US would continue to support Pakistan through technical engagements and assistance۔

She also urged that Pakistan should implement policies that promote a fair and transparent business environment۔

Earlier, the International Monetary Fund welcomed the commitments made by Pakistan’s friendly countries to assist the cash-strapped South Asian country in reviving its months-long delayed $1.1 billion IMF loan tranche.

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