WATCH: Villagers stunned after finding a frog ‘as big as human baby’

HONIARA: Villagers in the Solomon Islands were left stunned after spotting a frog the size of a human baby roaming the area.

According to the details, a timber mill owner named Jimmy Hugo spotted the enormous frog while hunting wild pigs on the outskirts of Honiara.


Jimmy said he was in disbelief when he first spotted the giant frog, adding that many people in the village call the animal ‘bush chicken’.

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It is the biggest frog I have ever seen in my life. It was the same size as a human baby. We call them ‘bush chicken’ because some villages seem to like them more than chicken, but they’re difficult to catch,” he added.

Jimmy said that the frog was caught by a couple of dogs who were playing with it in the bushes. That’s when Jimmy managed to take some photographs of the creature.

“A couple of dogs had caught this one and were playing with it in the bush, which is how I managed to get the photos of it. We did end up eating this one as it had already died but hopefully the next time we see one it will still be alive and we’ll keep it that way,” said Jimmy.

When he took the enormous amphibian to his area, the entire village was shocked to see the size of the creature, Times Now News reported. The frog is believed to be a Cornufer guppy frog, a species in the family of Ceratobatrachidae.

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