Viral video: Policeman saves dog from burning SUV

SUV, United States, burning SUV, Saves DogSUV, United States, burning SUV, Saves Dog

The social media users are heaping praise on a police sheriff in the United States for rescuing a dog from a burning SUV.

The incident, which was scary and inspirational at the same time, happened in the Denver city of the Colorado state.

The video sees Deputy Michael Gregorek driving towards the burning vehicle. The owner is heard calling for help frantically.

The deputy starts breaking the rear windows of the vehicle with his equipment. This created enough space for the dog for the man to retrieve his pet before disaster would strike.

The video spread like wildfire on the internet. Thousands of social media users lauded the deputy for his bravery and commitment.

In an interview, he said that rescuing the canine was the only thing that mattered.

“I just went in there and grabbed on and his body had already kind of started to tense up, so I knew he was really in a bad way,” the policeman said. “Nothing else really mattered at that point other than getting Hank out of the car.”

Related: Karachi traffic cop saves dog stuck in drain line, gets reward

Gregorick said he would have done the same as he is a “dog parent”.

“I’m a dog parent. My only child is my dog, so I would have done the same thing, whether it be baby, human, dog, cat. Life is a life, and you kind of treat it as such in a situation like that.” Gregorek said.

Man saves dog after kicking alligator in snout

In 2019, a 75-year-old Florida man kicked an alligator in the snout after it attacked his dog.

Buddy Ackerman says the 8-foot (2.44-meter) gator came from a retention pond near his Palm Harbor condominium last week and grabbed the dog while they were out for an early morning walk.

He kicked the gator until it let go of the golden retriever. Neither animal was injured.

The Tampa Bay Times reports that Florida wildlife officials came and trapped the gator later that day.

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