Woman finds snake head popping out of popcorn bag

popcorn bag, popcorn, snake, viral,popcorn bag, popcorn, snake, viral,

A shopper in the United States was in for a shock after she saw a snake’s head popping out of a hole in a popcorn bag at a store.

Facebook user Kimberly Slaughter shared the images of the snake on the social media application. The incident happened in Kenbridge town in Lunenburg County in Virginia state.

She recalled the incident while speaking with a foreign news agency. 

“As soon as I went to put the bag in my basket to take it up front, because you know, they can’t sell it,” she said as quoted in the interview. “The thing had popped out, and you know, I was like, ‘Oh, well, hi.'” 

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Kimberly Slaughter said the reptile, which was as large as the shopping cart, came out of the bag and slithered back in.

The store manager Brian Stanley said it was a small black snake. He added one of the employees removed it from the store. He said they had no clue from where the reptile came. 

“We are investigating trying to find out where it came from, but we have no other indication that there could be any others,” he said.

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