ISLAMABAD: Chinese military forces have raised slogans of “Jeeway Pakistan” (long live Pakistan) on Monday during a 23rd March, Pakistan Day, parade rehearsal at Shakarparian Parade Ground in Islamabad.
The military contingent for parade includes troops from Chinese Air Force, Navy and Army.
In the video, the Chinese military personnel led by three men from each of their forces holding Chinese flag. The troops can be seen parading and rhyming “Jeeway Pakistan” national song in loud voice while thumping their feet on ground.
First two rows incorporate three men each, followed by two full rows of Army men, two full rows of Navy men and two full rows of Air Force men.
This should be noted that China is Pakistan’s time-tested friend. It has initiated a project worth more than 56 billion dollars known as China Pakistan Economic Corridor which will provide China access to Gawadar Port and promises to bring prosperity in Pakistan.
Military contingents of Saudi Arabia and Turkey will also participate in the ceremonies of Pakistan Day.
Preparations for 23rd March Parade are in full swing at Shakarparian parade ground Islamabad, said Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major Gen Asif Ghafoor.
“Special feature of the parade this year will be participation of Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) China’s Tri Services and Saudi Special Force’s contingents and Turkish Jannisary Military band (Mehteran).
“Amongst other dignitaries, Chief of South African National Defence Force, General Solly Zacharia SHOKE will also witness the parade,” he said in a statement.
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