Watch helps save man’s life, thanks to fall detection feature

watch fall detection feature apple  watch fall detection feature apple  

SAN FRANCISCO: In an incredible incident, Apple watch’s fall detection feature helped save a 78-year-old  man’s life in California, US.

According to the details, Mike Yager, 78, suffered a hard fall before passing out on his driveway earlier this month in San Francisco.

His Apple watch automatically alerted 911 emergency service after he did not move for 45 seconds.

After being alerted, the officials of Summerfield Fire Department rushed to the scene and shifted the man to the hospital for treatment. The man has been before he even knew his watch could send an emergency message.

Talking to Fox news, Mike Yager said, “The first thing I asked (the officer) was, ‘How did you guys know to get here?’

The officer replied, “Your watch sent us a message.”

“(Apple Watch is) kind of expensive,” continued Yager, “but I think it’s well worth it if you are over 65… you definitely need to do something like (get a Watch).”

The man’s wife, Lori Yager, said that the Summerfield Fire Department officer showed her his log saying the alert had come from her husband’s Apple Watch.

“I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say,” she added.

“I wasn’t due to come home for another couple of hours and who knows what would have happened when I got home,” she said.

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