What if divorce ratio continues like this?

divorce womandivorce woman

No one gets married with the intention of getting divorced or imagines to continue life as single parent.

Life of a women is extremely hard with a toxic partner and it’s harder if she opts to spend life as a single parent. This is because no matter how much we discuss about the women empowerment, no matter how many times we protest, how many banners we hold, how loudly we scream in protest but we always forget it’s men who are dominating our society.

A divorced woman, specially a single parent, has to face a lot of challenges in our society with constant family pressure, the fear of not being accepted by society. Even if she decides to marry again, the fears keep growing and the challenges getting bigger, both as a parent and as wife.

I was raised in a family where both my parents had two utterly different viewpoints.

My father who is always a strong opponent of female education, always guide us about life challenges and taught us how to overcome difficulties as life is not a bed of roses its so unpredictable and full of conflict situations.

While at the same time my mother always teaches us no matter how hard your marital life is women should learn to survive.


partially agree with both of my parents because its not easy being a female divorcee, especially in Pakistan. But your education and ability will help you to survive in most of your crucial time if you are educated and independent.

Over the past few decades divorce rate in Pakistan has significantly increased but our reaction to it hasn’t changed at all.

Recently one terrible news shocked everyone in country that up to 500 divorce cases have been filed in Lahore’s civil family courts by women. There are numbers of reason are behind this breakups but most of them have few aspects common like intolerance, domestic violence, interfering in-laws, greed and sometime men is jobless all he does is to harass wife. These issues sets alarming situation in Pakistan.

We really need to educate our nation to normalize the word ‘divorcee’ and widely accept single mothers. Our duty towards this issue is to not blame women for unsuccessful marriages but teach sons to accept women with all her flaws like most women accept their husbands.

Patience is the most important virtue in this case and both the partners should learn what to ignore and avoid emotional reactions to all issues.

Marriage with a divorced woman or man is also not a crime and should be normalized.

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