‘World’s poisonous garden’ in UK where plants can kill you !!!


A garden, lovingly dubbed ‘the world’s deadliest in United Kingdom (UK) has become a tourist hotspot – but you can only visit with a guide.

Alnwick Poison Garden, is home to nearly a hundred plants that can kill. The garden is hidden behind huge iron gates and a sign under a skull and cross bones that says ‘these plants can kill’.

Visitors to the garden, who must be escorted by a guide, are prohibited from smelling, touching or tasting any plants – with some unlucky tourists having fainted after inhaling the fumes while walking around.  

The garden is notable because it was created to be a showcase for

only poison plants, but it also highlights how varied the idea of “poison” is. One of the plants in the garden is the monkshood, which have pretty blue flowers and create deadly berries, leaves and stems.

Some plants are phototoxic and can cause rashes and pain when they get on your skin and are exposed to the sun, and other plants aren’t deadly until they’re processed into something like say, ricin or cyanide.

This unusual garden was the brainchild of the Duchess of Northumberland who didn’t want to have a typical herb garden and decided to go for a poison garden instead.

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